+39 0382 987 300 info.lena@unipv.it

Scientific technical committee


Scientific technical committee

The technical scientific committee of the Lena is made up of members identified among the teaching and research staff who have particular expertise in the activities of the Lena.

Prof.ssa Francesca Ballarini
(triennio accademico 2023/2026)

Prof. Massimo Oddone

Dott. Andrea Salvini

three-year academic year2019 -2022

Dott.ssa  Sofia Baggini
Research and Third Mission Area Manager

Dott.ssa  Letizia Nicora
Head of Administrative Accounting Presidium

Prof. Giuseppe Zanoni
Repr. Department of Chemistry

Prof. Paolo Montagna
Repr. Physics department

Prof.ssa Francesca Ballarini
Repr. Physics department

Prof. Daniele Dondi
Repr. Department of Chemistry

Prof. Massimo Oddone
Department of Chemistry

Dott. Paolo Pedroni
Repr. INFN (Section PAVIA)

Prof. Stefano Agosteo
Politecnico of Milan

Ing. Giancarlo D’Agostino

Gabriele Vinciguerra
Repr. LENA technical administrative staff

It also includes the Manager of the Research and Third Mission Area and the Director of the Center.

The President of the Technical Scientific Committee (CTS) of LENA are delegated the powers of representation of the Holder of the Operating License and of scientific direction of the activities of LENA

how to reach us

Laboratorio Energia Nucleare Applicata
Aselli street 41, 27100 – Pavia
phone:+39 0382 987 300
fax: +39 0382 987 302
mail: info.lena@unipv.it
segretery: lenasegr@unipv.it
Pec: amministrazione-centrale@certunipv.it


From the A7 Milan-Genoa motorway:

Bereguardo-Pavia Nord exit, continue on the A53 Bereguardo-Pavia junction and then on the Pavia bypass towards Pavia Nord (hospitals exit).


From the A Torino Piacenza motorway:

Casteggio-Casatisma exit, continue on Strada Statale dei Giovi SS35 and take the Pavia bypass towards Pavia Nord (hospitals exit).


On the train:

from Pavia station take bus n°6 and get off at the stop in via Aselli (Golgi college area)